
Overall Goal

To develop and (or) strengthen the home area to satisfy livestock (poultry) rearing needs for the PSWT beneficiaries.

Project Objective

Sustainable livestock rearing for beneficiaries can be achieved by establishing productive and viable backyard farming.

Expected Outputs

  1. Establishment of 154 highly productive chicken coops equipped with the essential infrastructure for Broiler production and layer production each equipped with 25 broiler and 25 layer chicks.


  • South
  • Western
  • Cental
  • North

Prin. Collaborators

Ministry of Agriculture, PSWT, and REIMERS Feed Mill

Southern Zones- Stann Creek and Toledo

The project commenced in November of 2024 in Stann Creek and Toledo will be done by Zones.

Western Zone- Belmopan and San Ignacio

This zone commenced in January 2025.